Tuesday, November 22, 2011

We're in Austin

So we've been in Austin since Sunday and we've been having a great time! Its hot here and I packed totally inappropriately for the weather but other then that its been great. There are a lot of things I don't like about Austin (bums at every light panhandling for money), the heat, the traffic, the pretentious people to name a few but there are also a lot of things that I love about Austin. Namely there is so much to do here for kids. We went to the children's museum yesterday. It was the baby Bloomers which means all the kids are supposed to be 3 and under and they just set up a new dinosaur exhibition. Ty also got lucky because they had just set up a nice little area dedicated to tractors which as we all know he is absolutely obsessed with. Once he discovered the tractor area I had to drag him away from it to go and try other things.

Then we went to the fountain/park where we went this summer and he played in the water. I wanted to try and get some good shots of him with the Austin skyline in the background. He ran up and down this huge hill then promptly fell asleep in the car and slept for almost 3 hours! There were some girls there working out, they would run up the hill and then once at the bottom they would do squats Ty was watching  and started doing squats with them, it was so funny! The girls couldn’t stop laughing and said how cute he was. Then we walked over to see the turtles and Ty took his shoes off. I’m usually pretty pro shoe in public but hey we’re in Austin and you know, when in Rome do as the hippies do.

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