Monday, November 7, 2011

Grammy's Visit Highlights

I have so many pictures from my mom's visit because we did so many things that I decided to just post a couple of pictures from each thing and give a little summary of what we did at each place. I'm being lazy and not doing a separate blog for each event, sorry but I still have a child that wakes up all night I'l allowed the right to be lazy. 

This was at Hopeland gardens. Its out of sync with the other gaden pictures but please refer to the above statement of me being lazy, its too hard to move pictures around on blogger. Ty is chasing the cat that often stalks my dogs when I bring them here. Ha take that kitty. 

Here we were buying Ty's official pumpkin to be carved. Its hard to believe that after the amount of pumpkin patches we visited I didn't get  a pumpkin until 2 days before Halloween. This was a produce stand right next to his dad's job so all he could see, think about or concentrate on were the tractors. That's what's he's looking at in these pics. 

See, here's what he was looking at the whole time. 

Here we are the Augusta Build A Bear. I have wanted to go to this place since before I even thought about having a kid. I wanted to borrow someones child to go in and make one so you can imagine my, er, Ty's excitement when we got to go build a bear with Grammy. 

He was all excited until the weird lady in the big queen of hearts costume scared him. After she talked to him, he wanted nothing to do with the stuffing of the bear. 

See how weird she is? I didn't really want to be near her either. 

Trying to get Ty to step on the pedal that makes the stuffing go into the bear. 

I took the pictures indoors without a flash which is the explanation for the poor quality and awful lighting. 

Here is Ty picking out an outfit for his bear. He tried to pick up this fancy sequinned number more than once. I told him his daddy wouldn't appreciate his Liberace bear so we needed to keep looking. 

Here they are bathing the bear before we dressed him. 

Naming the newest addition to our family, Masters P. Augusta

And here he is, Masters. As manly as one can get at a Build-A-Bear

These are just some funny out takes of my mom trying to control both my dogs and baby by the super pretty red fall trees at my apartment. 

My mom racing to catch Ty before he fell down this hill. I've seen him slide down this very hill on several occasions  but see I told you my mom was much more caring and motherly then me, I would have just watched and laughed. 

At Hopeland Gardens where the tress are just beautiful. I am loving South Carolina in the fall because they have a fall like you always read about in children's books talking about fall.  I don't remember reading in 1st grade "Look at the leaves all shrivel up without ever changing any color but brown and die due to the massively hot and dry summer we just had"

Ah me and my baby. We had so much fun while my mom was here. It reminded me how much I like spending time with her so I bought a plane ticket to go home to Austin for Thanksgiving! 

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