Friday, November 18, 2011

Tyson the Gymnast

A couple of weeks ago one of hose daily deal sites offered a deal to a local gym here, Aiken Gymnastics. I have been looking everywhere for a gym here for Ty to join since he loved Gymboree before he could even crawl and then My Gym before he could really walk. So I looked them up online to make sure that he was old enough for a class and when I saw they had a parent-tot class for 18-36 month olds I immediately purchased 4 classes. So since he is almost 18 months old now (3 more days) we went to the 1st class last night and oh my how he loved it. 
It is an actual hardcore gym with kids that compete nationally. Here are some pictures that I took from their website. It has one of those stadium seating waiting rooms for the parents to watch their kids practice 

but since it was a parent-tot class I got to enter the gym area to participate in Ty's class

See, its a real gym. They had an area set up for little ones with beams and rings and bars and a huge floor trampoline and other stuff like that. There was a wall that had monkey bar type bars going up it really high so naturally, I took Ty to it. He climbed right on and made it all the way to the top. The instructor could not believe her eyes. She told me she didn't think there was anyway someone so young would be able to climb it. Then I told her to take Ty to the rings and watch what he could do so she did and my little monkey did not disappoint. He held himself up on them and swung back and forth. He was better then the other kids in his class who were all 3 years old. At one point the owner of the gym who had been watching him came over and told me that Ty had a standing invitation to join the Aiken Gymnastics team once he was old enough. Needless to say we are looking forward to our next class in 2 weeks (next week is Thanksgiving) and will probably keep going until we leave. Maybe next time I can get some pictures of Ty the gymnast. 

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