Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Blog...

So I still have some posts to do from my mom's visit and actual Halloween and trick or treating but I wanted to get some of my phone pics on here before I forget what they are. So here we go,
 A little hard to see since it was getting dark but here are some of my pictures that I drew for Ty with his sidewalk chalk. What I was impressed with was that as I drew everything, Ty was able to recognize what I drew and said what it was. It makes me think about when we were young and my mom would draw us pictures and we would laugh and laugh. Me and my brother would request that she draw us under the sea pictures because they were just so retarded looking and we wanted to laugh. I like to think I got a little of my dad's drawing talents, just a little. 

Ty with his big tractor playing in his huge sandbox that Patrick made him behind our apartment. The kid can seriously spend hours out there, its amazing. 

Game day. Just at a park playing, trying to wear him out before a noon kickoff. What am I going to do next year when those football legs don't fit anymore? I get more compliments on those then anything else he has. Its even kind of annoying (not really) going out in public and getting stopped constantly about them and how cute he is in them. 

How much of a professional traveler does he look here? We are at Target here and on his favorite aisle (yes even more then the toys) the luggage. I know that if I bought these items for our upcoming trip to Austin it would take us forever to get form our gate to the next plane because he would want to pull his own suitcase instead of riding comfortably in his stroller so I didn't buy them but dang it if he's not the cutest little jet setter...

Dad and Ty in matching UT hoodies reading the book that we had to hide because all Ty ever wants to do is read this book. Its all about trucks and tractors and he is obsessed. 

Here we are playing at Patrick's jobsite. Probably not the safest place for an 18 month old to roam but whatever he had a great time and then took a super nap. Also while we were here "helping" dad we bathed Payton in the what will be main entrance to the restaurant. Now whenever I go in or look at the Cracker Barrel I will know that I bathed my dog in there hehehe. 

After visitng the jobsite, we had a bbq to go to and Ty's shoes were all wet so the only shoes he had were the above loafers and therefore I had to dress him to match the loafers.  When we got to the bbq my friends younger high school brother said "if you ever have a boy you totally need to dress him like Ty." 

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