Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Trick or Treat

So actual Halloween night was kind of anticlimactic. Ty is still a little young to really be excited and get into it. We had done so many Halloween themed activities before the actual day that I kind of forgot that it hadn't actually been Halloween yet. We currently live right next to a neighborhood with huge houses. Cool right? Probably give out fancy candy. Well this was the case however with big house come huge yards and around here there are so many hills and no sidewalks. So it was wearing me out walking from house to house. Anyway we went to about 7 houses before calling it a night which was ok with Ty. It was so funny because as soon as we got home he dumped out his bucket to take inventory of his candy, just like every other kids does on Halloween night. This was such an awesome month of October. We did so many activities and have made so many friends here I'm really not going to want to leave when the time comes. Halloween this year totally rocked. Oh and on a side note I took just over 1000 pictures this month! What would I do without a digital camera? Seriously, having to buy and develop film would have sucked and probably amounted to 24 pictures for the month.

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