Friday, November 18, 2011

Cutest Little Boy in the Whole World

Here is a little sneaky peeky of our family pictures we had done the other day. I'm actually pretty impressed with them even though I don't care for how my dress is draped and I can tell that I have ill fitting undergarments (especially the strapless bra) because everything is too big on me now. But like I said, so far so good and I can't wait to see the rest! Ty makes the pictures awesome so I guess it doesn't really matter what I look like, right?
Could he be any cuter in his little bowtie and Converse. I couldn't have picked a better outfit if I tried. 

What Patrick said about this picture "wow this is pretty good. I can't believe that I'm the only one looking at the camera and the 2 camera whores aren't" I can't help it if our son took after me and loves the camera. 

So anyway...

Ty woke up at 4:45 am this morning ready to start his day and I was irritated. Especially since I thought I had worn him out last night with his fancy new gymnastics class (I will write more on this in another post) and he did sleep ok through the night but I hate waking up that early! So in my moments of irritation and frustration I began to wonder why God punished me with a terrible sleeper. And as soon as I thought that I felt guilty and quickly corrected myself. My child is near perfect in every way. He's never sick (knock on wood) never had a fever, never had an ear infection, never even been to the dr for anything other than a well check. He's devastatingly handsome which was something I was so worried about before he was born and I know how superficial and silly that sounds but hey its me we're talking about, that's who I am. He's got a great personality, everyone loves him. He's funny he's sweet he's outgoing. He's almost always perfectly behaved (minus restaurants and stores) he plays well alone and with others. He's super athletic and coordinated and is just so advanced for his age in every single thing he does. Oh yeah and he's smart, ridiculously smart. I asked him this morning (trying to trick him) what a zebra said and he said "Zuh. Zuh. Zuh" just made the sound of the letter Z (take that mama). So the one thing that he's not good at is sleep. Is that so bad? Sure it may seem that way at 4:45 in the morning or 12:30am when he's waking up for the 2nd time already but its not. I love this kid so much and he is just so perfect I literally could not have received a better son. In no way have I been punished, I have been rewarded by God with my beautiful son TyTy (this is what his little friend Maria from playgroup calls him and I just think its so cute). Plus when one wakes up this early, I get a morning break with an extra nap.

So I drove around this morning listening to Christmas music and went to Dunkin Donuts for a gingerbread coffee and wouldn't you know my punch card was full and I got my coffee free. What a great day.

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