Monday, November 14, 2011

K is for Kite

Last night in the bathtub, Ty held up the foam letter K to me. He then said "kuh, kuh, kuh" (the sound that K makes in case that wasn't obvious) "K. K is for kite" What?? Did my not even 18 month old child just recognize a letter, know the sound it made and what it stood for? Why I believe he did.
I made him say it again just for fun and he did. Then he picked up the O and did the same thing but said O was for Octopus (or a word that kind of sounds like octopus and what I know is his word for it).
Holy crap do I have the smartest kid ever or what? We used to go over alphabet cards all the time a few months ago so I do believe its time to pull those suckers out again.
K is for King Ty, smartest boy in all the land.

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