All of the sudden Ty turned 20 months old, that is 4 months away from being 2 years old! Holy crap. I have a few quick updates on what he's been doing lately and a couple of pictures I took this morning at the park and since I've yet to start his baby book I am still relying on this here blog to keep proper record of my child. He can finally count to 5. I just say finally because we count stuff all the time and while he could always make the appropriate number of grunts of items we were counting, he never really said the numbers, now he does. He can recognize his name when it is written. He knows 10 letters still but he knows what sound they make and words that start with them we work on letters almost everyday. He is saying more complete phrases and sentences. His favorite right now is "we did it!" and he uses this for all kinds of things example the other day we walked a half mile track and once he saw my car he said "we did it!" He knows his shapes and that block shape sorter thing he's got is no match for him anymore. He picks up the shape, says what it is and what color it is and puts it through the proper hole without thinking twice. The other night I learned that he knows what every tool in his tool box is called, apparently his dad taught him that because when Ty said "pipe wrench" I wasn't sure which one he was looking for. I have recently taught him that when he falls down instead of whining (which I can't stand) he is expected to tell me what part on him is hurt. Today he fell at the park and he said "knee" then he slid down the hill on his butt and came over and told me "bum." Also any time he toots he tells me "toot" which I think is just funny because I chose to call them toots. It is clear that he is going to be a right hander no matter how bad his father and I were wishing for a southpaw. He loves to draw and Patrick has been working on getting him to draw circles instead of just lines. He's really into stickers now but don't worry I will not be that retarded looking car driving down the road with an entire back window stickered up, I love my kids but he is not allowed stickers in the car to do as he pleases. He's still super tall and skinny and while I've yet to take him to his 18 month appointment (we're going next week) I'm pretty sure based upon the internet he's n the 5 percentile for weight and 90 percentile for height. He figured out last night how to use Patricks digital camera, he took a lot of self portraits and pictures of Payton's paw. When he was scrolling through all the old pictures he came across one of Memorial Stadium and he said "touchdown!!" now that's a proud moment for a parent who went to UT. So I guess that's about all he's been up to lately or at least what I can currently remember. Now as promised, here are some pictures maybe I will pull out the old fancy camera this afternoon and get some more since the weather is finally nice here but until then...

Don't know if you can see it or not (well you can now that I mention it) but there is a train passing by. Ty loves trains so we like this park because once in a great while you can see a train pass right by. I think it was the first time my dogs have ever seen a train because when he blew his whistle Paris and Payton just stopped and kept turning their heads back and forth as if confused.
I love this shirt. Anyone can wear one but Ty can mean it because he's been to New York and from what I can tell he really did heart it.
See here's Paris. She's off leash and she ran over like a big chicken when the train came to stand next to the baby. My dogs always check with Ty when they're scared to make sure its ok. I guess they figure if he's ok with it then it must be safe.
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