I got this belt to wear with the blue dress
And I know what you're thinking "those aren't very practical mom dresses" well they're not moms with a baby dress that's for sure but Ty is so independent now, I don't have to climb on the playground after him anymore. Maxi dresses are super comfortable but still look chic. Of course I will still be wearing my shorts all the time but on days when I want to feel pretty or actually go out in public, these will be my go to dresses with flip flops. .
and of course an order wouldn't be complete without a little something at least for Ty and I LOVE this shirt for St Patrick's day, he is part irish afterall.
Ok so then I saw that Piperlime is having a big sale on everything today so since they sell boys shoes, I figured I would get Ty's next round of shoes because the brands I wanted for him will never be on sale again so I know he'll need shoes this summer (his 6s are all almost too tight now) so here they are and I love them! I also may have to get another pair of Toms too but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
So these New Balances are just like the ones he already has now but they are the best shoe ever! And sure he would be fine with just this one pair of shoes for everything but that's not how I roll, I just can't have my son have 1 pair of shoes for everything. The way I look at it is girls get cool bows and so many other outfit options that Ty doesn't have, shoes are really the only accessory I do for him.
I think these are super cute too. They're very hipster and will look cute with shorts. He hasn't had a pair of Adidas yet and they are so much better then the ghetto Air Jordans Patrick picked out for him and thinks he should wear all the time with everything.
And how could we go all summer in Texas without a pair of flip flops? Reefs of course (uh he was born in Austin, Reefs are the official shoe of Austin. Even my weirdo husband who refuses flops and has actually worn his sneakers to the beach at one time had some Reefs)
So there are my purchases for the day. I know we will both get a lot of wear out of everything and I'm just so excited!!
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