Saturday, January 14, 2012

Project 365- Week 2

So far so good with my project 365 this year (on and its actually Project 366 this year with that goofy Feb 29 thrown in the mix) I realize its only 2 weeks in but statistics show that 75% of people have already given up on their new years resolutions by now so take that, I'm in the top 25 %.

January 8- Payton wearing Ty's aviator sunglasses. Its amazing what this dog will sit still for, you can do anything to her.

January 9- Ty has started putting 1 finger up to his mouth and says hmmmmm. After I saw him doing this, I caught myself doing it too a couple times that day. Kids notice and pick up everything. Also heard him say "crap" this week and call my dogs "idiots", oops.

January 10- At a park as usual.  Anything that's narrow at all when Ty walks on it he says "beam" like in gymnastics class.

January 11- I used to make fun of these bowls when I saw them on TV. They're the gyro looking never spill bowls and I love it! Grandma got it for Ty for Christmas and we take it everywhere. Sure my child figured out how to spill the unspillable bowl in 5 seconds but its still awesome and we use it every morning at the park for our morning walk.

January 12- Got Uncle Dustin's gift in the mail today, a new Thomas the Train and this one is automatic and moves on its own I think it may be Ty's favorite. 

January 13- We were cleaning/organizing the upstairs closet (yes there is a move out date that looms over my head) and I let Ty go through this box that holds his baby book (with not a single thing written in it yet) and all kinds of memory type things like our hospital bracelets, sonogram pics etc. He used to love going through this box when he was really young and he still does.  The cute thing now is that he can say his name really well now so whenever he sees himself he says "Tyson!" which is weird because I never call him that I always call him Ty plus Ty seems so much easier to say. 

January 14- Holy crap it got cold here! The past 2 days its 30 degrees when we get to the park. Our usual morning routine now is I walk the dogs with Ty in his stroller for 1.5 miles and let him out for .5 miles. It works well for all 3 of their naptimes. 

So there's a week in the life of the DeWildes. I got a ton of pictures printed out with a gift card from my mom for Christmas from my favorite fancy pants print shop, Mpix. I love the pictures they are all so beautiful. I've been really motivated lately to start printing pictures and putting them in albums. While I'm good about uploading my pics to here and facebook, I am horrible about printing them out. So as of right now I have a bout 700 pictures that we went and bought albums for today and I still have probably another 1000 that I still need to print. I also found the coolest idea ever that I'm going to do this year for Ty and its called Project Life. I have always wished I was a good scrapbooker but I know I won't ever be but I did find this kit that keeps it simple but presents the years events in such a pretty way. So I'm going to order the kit on Amazon and hopefully do one a year from now on to keep up with Ty and what we do.  Here's a picture of one of the kits


See its like a photo album but you get pretty paper and decorations that just slide into photo holder slots. Easy right? 
And then you put it in a pretty notebook
Project Life Binder - Turquoise Edition
bada bing bada boom I got a cool scrapbook without having to waste all that time scrapbooking. 

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