Tuesday, January 31, 2012

And I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane....

Ok so I'm not leaving on a jet plane but I am leaving in my car in less then a week to make that long (but glorious and much anticipated) drive back to Austin and Mexican food. We went and cooked out at the park this past Sunday and it was fun. The weather was nice (a little chilly) but we hadn't cooked out at a park since we were n North Carolina and it was long over due. Here is a comparison collage I did. The park was the very first place we ever went to when we arrived in Aiken (our apt wasn't ready yet, they put us in a hotel that didn't take dogs, we had to kill time with the dogs before we checked in and left them at the apt not sure if  wrote about that story or not but there it was) and it will be one of the last places that we visit in Aiken before we leave for good. Ty has just started jumping and he's getting good so that's what the 1st picture is of him doing in case its hard to tell. He has grown so much since we first got here I realize it has  been 6 months and that's an eternity for a little toddler but it still amazes me.

Here are some more pictures from our cookout. Please excuse my husband who is dressed like Eazy E. I can't control how he dresses, I've given up and focus all my efforts of my child and pray that he winds up dressing as a JCrew Model all his life and not a thug from the southside of Chicago.

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