Friday, January 27, 2012

Rebel Race

I have heard about and read about intense (yet fun) obstacle course type 5k races and was very intrigued. I used to be a big time runner doing 5ks on a pretty regular basis but that was before I had Ty. Its been ages since I ran a race and I'm pretty sure just running a mile right now would nearly kill me (ok I still can run 3 miles on a treadmill in a gym but that is sooooo much easier then running a course outdoors). Anyway you can imagine my excitement when I saw that there is an obstacle course 5K taking place in Smithville (right outside of Austin) in early June. I immediately told my friend Hoss about it because a.I will be in Austin to train with her, b.she is always trying to workout and lose weight but totally lacks the motivation that I have and c. I didn't want to do it by myself and I can talk Hoss into doing anything. Plus her parents are super rich and I talked her into asking them to sponsor us which they will be (the race entry fee is like $80, that's high for a race) anyway I am getting totally excited to participate in the race and start training for it I think its going to be so much fun. Here's a list of the obstacles that we will have to conquer in addition to the 5K run...

Hardcore, right? I can do it for sure, I'm good at working out. Hoss will do it because I am also good at insulting people and making them feel guilty for not following through with a workout program. So I thought even though this is Ty's blog I would put sporadic updates on my progress and training just for fun so I can look back when I'm old and say "wow I used to be in such good shape" just like I currently do when I look back at my wedding pictures that at the time I thought I looked fat. Hmmm I was crazy for ever thinking that I was super skinny at my wedding and would kill to look like that again.
Oh and I really want us to get matching T Shirts that have to do with The Hunger Games because this obstacle course makes me think of those books and I just finished reading all of them and am absolutely harry-potter-level obsessed with them and the characters. I will be Katniss Everdeen.

Oh and because it just wouldn't be a post without a picture of Ty, this morning when we were getting ready for the VIP breakfast at Cracker Barrel, he got into my makeup bag, found an eyeliner pencil and made himself up to look like the Joker.

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