Saturday, January 7, 2012

Just More Cute Pictures

While uploading my pictures to my favorite print site mpix to be printed out (finally) I saw some cute pictures I had taken of Ty when we first got here in his UT outfit on railroad tracks. Since I fancy myself a photog now and am always on the look out for cute and different picture sites I was reminded how much I loved those railroad shots. Plus I have my new lens now and Ty really likes trains so he appreciates tracks. Anyway I took him back out there and got these cute shots. Oh also funny story we were at Walmart yesterday walking out to our car when a super ghetto, young, black guy kind of started walking in our direction I quickly grabbed my purse closer and pulled Ty to me but all the guy wanted to say was "wow he sure is a handsome kid" ha! The brothers have always loved Ty and he loves them. Wasn't that sweet though of the black guy?

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