Monday, January 30, 2012

Project 366 Week 4

Jan 22- Playing in the playroom with his blocks. I'm going to miss having this huge playroom for him, it was nice to have his big toys out of the living room. 

Jan 23- After his morning Valentine's Day photo shoot in a desperate attempt to entertain Ty after the 4th straight day of rain, I took him to the Aiken "mall" and let him ride all the little 50 cent ride on cars.

Jan 24- Playing on the playground at our apartments. He can climb up on that ladder thing, I didn't think he would be able to but this kid can climb like spiderman.

Jan 25- At the best night of Patrick's whole job, free anything on the menu at Cracker Barrel night. We also get to go to the VIP breakfast but that's assigned food on this night you get to order anything you want. Its fun but I'm always reminded why I don't eat at CB unless its free.

Jan 26- Lately all Ty uses his tools for is to "operate" on Payton. He saws her belly and in this picture he is using pliers on her ear. Patrick says the next thing we buy him needs to be a Dr kit. 

Jan 27- This just shows how easy going Payton in. Look at all the toys Patrick (yes my husband and not my kid) put on her and she just laid there. 

Jan 28- Hiking in the woods. For some reason everyone we passed said how cute he was and how much they loved his hat. I thought Ty was having an off day fashion wise but apparently not. 

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