Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2012 is Here

Technically I took these pictures in 2011 but it was on December 31, New Years Eve but I'm using them in this 2012 post because no one has seen them. Plus this is just an update on a couple of things that Ty just started doing that I feel need documenting. Oh and please note, Ty is extremely dressed down but it is his second outfit of the day and when he ruins one cute outfit he gets put in sweats. 
On New Years day after the big streamer and ball drop (I will post on this next) we had balls all over our floor from Ty's ball pit. One by one Ty brought me a ball and told me its color and correctly. Green, Purple, Blue, Red, Orange even yellow. All of the sudden Ty knows all of his colors! I started working pretty hardcore on them when he first turned 1 year old (well we also read books about color every night and have since he was 2 weeks old) but he didn't show much interest in them now did he really show that he was understanding what colors were so I didn't really push them much after that. Of course I would always point out everywhere different colors of things and apparently that worked. The kid picked up and now knows all colors.
A little side story, when he was tiny, like 2 months old, he would start to get fussy aboutl halfway through our daily 3 mile walk with the dogs. Nothing would make him happy unless I talked or sang to him. Now don't get me wrong I love singing to my child but mama can only sing 6 Little Ducks so many times so I would just start talking to him. I would talk about our surroundings and what not but that got old so I started to tell him all about photosynthesis (for the dumb readers that's the process that takes place in plants when they convert CO2 into Oxygen) its a long complex process that takes oh about 1.5 miles to describe. It kept him quiet so everyday I would explain another chemical reaction or biological occurrence to "teach" Ty to keep him quiet. It is my hope that these scientific processes seeped in his mind just like what happened with the colors.
So anyway another thing Ty knows now is all of his opposites over/under, on/off, up/down, slow/fast, night/day, dark/light, hot/cold. Its funny because one of the moms here (who incidentally has the absolute worst behaved kid I have ever been around and she's so proud of her parenting skills which are borderline abusive i.e. cold showers for wetting themselves when potty training um yeah I've seen that on Dr Phil and saw him take the woman's kid away) got all offensive when I was trying to dumb down an explanation of what a humidifier was and how it worked. She got all huffy when I tried to break it down for what I knew to be a typical South Carolina resident like "uh he knows what that is, his dad taught him" Oooookay lady, whatever that's how I teach my smart child stuff, I figured it worked for the slow ones too.
Not only can Ty say all the opposites but he can show them to you too which I just think is so impressive for a barely 19 month old. Oh and one last thing Ty knows every body part. He's known the easy one and could point to them and show you since he was 6 months old but now he even knows the "difficult" ones like shoulder and elbow and chin and cheek. He points to each one and will say it, its quite cute. I filled out this little sheet for him the other day that I plan on doing every New Years and his big goals this year are to learn to pedal his trike, sleep all night in his own bed and to be potty trained. Dang yall Ty's got a busy year ahead of him. Happy 2012 to all my family and friends!!

Ty was laughing at the retarded looking ducks in the water. 

See even the ducks are ugly and odd looking in this town. 

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