Monday, January 9, 2012

NYC Party 2012

So I realize that Ty's 2nd birthday is still more then 5 months away but I love planning and throwing a party (I seriously started planning my baby shower before I was even pregnant so you know..). Plus I just thought up the best idea for the theme a couple of days ago so I got excited and started pinning stuff on pinterest. Here's some of my ideas that I've come up with so far.
I was actually inspired by the shirts I recently bought in NY you know the ones the I heart NY shirts. When looking at Ty in his
And I though "wow thats really close to I heart TY" and a party idea was born. I originally just wanted to get shirts made for everyone as a party favor that looked similar to these (well better this is just the first ghetto version I created)
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So then after I saw this shirt I though "wait a minute maybe I should just do a whole NYC theme and then the shirts would make more sense. Plus now that I've been to NYC and love it, the party theme would make sense"

Here are some of my other ideas I have found. Surprisingly (or not) this theme isn't a super popular one or at least I couldn't find it anywhere on the internet documented. So most of these things are my ideas or I had to find individually. 
Cake topper?
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I think I'm over cupcakes. As far as I'm concerned my husband and I started the trend of having cupcakes at events way back in 2008 because we wanted to have them at our wedding. Everyone thought we were crazy and no stands even existed yet to display them on, we were going to have to build one ourselves. I think I'm going with a cake for this party.

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Party hats. How cute are these instead of your regular boring party hats?

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And whats a party thrown by me if there isn't some extravagant never to be used again prop like his hot dog cart? You really can't have an NYC themed party without one, these things are seriously everywhere in the city. I will have Patrick build it and my dad paint it. 

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I thought for some of the decor I could get this picture which is so cute and then have some my pictures that I took framed. 

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Black and White cookies like from Seinfeld! And look at this snack pack for the kids, its a cab! Also plan on serving hot dogs, soft pretzles, bagels and of course New York style thin crust pizza
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More decor ideas. Balloons, painted backdrop of cityscape

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I also like this idea if I decide to go with paper poms for decor. Stacking them is a cool idea and I would probably do red, black and white with a couple of yellow ones. 

cute for cups and plates
Love for plates a subway map!!

Such a cute idea for an invitation

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I don't know where I'm going to find one of these but I'm sure theres a talented Mexican in Austin who can make me one. I always see pinatas for sale on the side of the road in Austin. 

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Favors. Big Apple, get it? I love this idea!
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more favor ideas, cab cookies

Paper Straws-  Aqua Striped- Set of 20 and Printable DIY Straw Toppers
Oh and of course I will have these straws. I have been obsessed with them forever. At least since Ty's 1st bday party when I saw them after it and really wished I had found them for his party.

So anyway those are my initial ideas for his party. I don't know where we'll be (hopefully Austin) or who we will invite but it will be an awesome party no matter what because I rock the house when it comes to planning parties. 

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