Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tyson Van Gough

I got Ty a new easel and all kinds of new art supplies. Recently he has been so into drawing with every pen or marker he can find. I was able to buy all of these things with his grandma's Christmas money she gave him (Patrick's mom). I originally had planned on buying a big huge sit on tractor for him but after all the tractors he got for Christmas and his new interest in art, I decided to go with this stuff and I couldn't be more excited. And so begins my collection of artwork that I know I will never be able to throw out because all of it will be beautiful to me because he did it. I have never been a sentimental person or even a saver until Ty now its a whole different story. Oh as I was getting out the magnet letters I realized Ty actually knew quite a few, the sounds they make and words that start with them. As far as I can tell he knows D, R, K, L, T, Z, M and the number 8 (really not sure how he knew that number but whatever). So I'm pretty impressed and this is a great start to learning to read. Now next post up pictures of Ty's painting and artwork, can't wait for nap to be over! and that's the first and last time I will ever type that sentence. 

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