Today I've started packing. We will be leaving here in about 3 weeks now and heading back to Austin. I have decided to stay in Austin for Patrick's next job for many reasons. One is because I just can't take another small town again right now, especially after this one and the nasties that lived here plus its just so boring. Also I really want to let Ty start at a Mother's Day Out program and I really wanted it to be at our church in Austin. I got him on the wait list for the summer session that will be 2 days a week for a couple hours each time June-August which will work out perfectly for the start of Patrick's next job and our next move. I am really looking forward to getting to stay in Austin but me and Ty are going to miss Patrick so much. We will be flying to see him every couple weeks and will be skyping on a regular basis. I've been without Patrick for long periods most of our relationship but Ty is going to miss him he just loves his daddy so much! Anyway back to the summer preschool. Ty has an interview scheduled for February 9 (a couple days after we get back) and I just know they're going to make sure they have a space for him who doesn't love a cute, well dressed, super smart and exceptionally well behaved little boy? So I am looking forward to that and not because I want time away from him or anything I mean come on I usually get bored when he naps but I think he will love it and it will get him better socialized even though he's already pretty friendly and outgoing now. Plus its at our church and I love our church so much, its always one of the things that I miss most when we're living elsewhere. Plus part of the curriculum is weekly Chapel that's led by one of the pastors every Wed and Thurs that I get to attend with him. I am so excited to start introducing religion into his life. Anyway here are some recent pictures from my phone that I took and thought were cute. We are going to the Columbia Zoo tomorrow and I am so excited (Patrick's even coming with us! Get ready for picture overload I'm sure) The weather is supposed to be sunny with a high of 60 degrees that is perfect zoo weather!This will Ty's 2nd zoo and I also plan on taking to the Atlanta one before we leave since my thing for him is to visit Zoos and aquariums everywhere we live.

This was this morning at the park. It rained last night so there were puddles everywhere. Let me put Ty's love of puddles in the form of one of those old SAT analogies: Ty to puddles is like stink to a monkey.
I posted this on FB yesterday. Ty loves walking to dogs on their morning walk and thankfully I have both well behaved dogs and a well behaved kid they go hand in hand when allowing your 19 month old to walk your 80 pound golden retriever at a park next to a road. A group of older women passed us and they had their camera phones out taking pictures of this site.
Yesterday afternoon walking thru the gardens. It was fairly warm, hence the shorts. I don't love a whole lot about South Carolina but I must say I love the weather. It is the best weather I have ever lived in and I've been here for the last part of summer, fall and now winter. It rocks the house.
Ty is saying "brrrrrr" here. As stated above it wasn't cold yesterday but anytime there is a big gust of wind now Ty will say "brrrr" its cute.
Just more pictures from this morning the one above was just posted out of order and as per usual I was too lazy to move the pictures around.
And finally, I was in Ty's room starting to pack up toys and books. He is absolutely obsessed with this book "The Little Red Caboose." Its old school, it was published like in 1953 and I swear I read this book at least 10 times a day. If he happens to see it we have to stop what we're doing and read it. Also I got it free in a kids meal from Chick Fil A which makes it even funnier.
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