Sunday, January 8, 2012

Project 365 Week 1 2012

Dare I try this project again? I started it last January and I tried to keep up with it but sadly I didn't. Looking back on my old blog posts though, I really like reading those and seeing the pictures. The hard part isn't taking apicture a day (duh have you met me? I'm obsessed with photographing my kid) it was making the collage and writing the description. However back then I had a baby who only napped if I was holding him and hardly ever played by himself now I have a child who every single day naps for at least 2 hours and can entertain himself somewhat so I'm trying the project again. Here's the "rules" as a quick reminder of what this project is
Each week, you'll post your photos from the previous Sunday to Saturday (the day before we link up). Each Sunday begins a new week, so, do not post the current Sunday's photo on the day you link up.

Post your photos. Captions are nice to explain what's going on, why that day was memorable, why you photographed what you did. They aren't necessary, though.

So hopefully by the end of 2012 I will have 52 weeks that I can get printed n a cute little book from Shutterfly. 

I will try to use this same template every week and the picture descriptions will be underneath and will go from top left to right to the bottom in order. 

Jan 1- Visiting Dad's almost finished Cracker Barrel. I realized that day that I had not been in this one since it had dirt floors so I insisted we go since Cracker Barrel was coming Jan 2.
Jan 2 At Hitchcock Woods hiking. Ty has always had a thing for lifting heavy things and here he is lifting a huge stick over his head.
Jan 3- Back at the CB letting our child run across all the tables. We had to go back so I could steal my usual candy and to go coffee cups. 

Jan 4- At the park on our morning walk wearing his super cute hat that Patrick and I bought him from in NYC from a street vendor. No one will ever have a hat like this hahaha
Jan 5- At another park climbing a tree. I love this hat Nicole sent it to him for Christmas and it looks just like the one I got Patrick for Christmas.
Jan 6- Payton LOVES Ty and look how tall he is in comparison to her. Remember all those monthly pics I took of him next to her? Now he towers over her 
Jan 7- Organizing Ty's old clothes. I could literally open up a resale shop for boys just with Ty's clothes. If I don't have another boy I did get a great idea from my friend allison today to turn his clothes into a quilt. I love this idea.
See isn't that so clever and cute?

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