Friday, January 20, 2012


I have a rough couple of days. Its just one of those phases where it seems like nothing can go right and you find yourself questioning "how could this get any worse? What else could go wrong?" My best friend Jannett's (or Hoss) husband's brother lost his wife a couple of nights ago. She was scheduled to be induced with her 2nd baby in 2 days when she suddenly passed away. She died of a brain aneurysm in the middle of the night and by the time her husband found her, the baby had died too. She left behind her husband and a 5 year old little girl. I just talked to Hoss and she said they were about to attend the viewing of the baby. I don't know these people personally but every time I think of them, it makes my heart hurt. This story puts into perspective the problems that I have and think are awful are nothing compared to them. My problems are mostly monetary due to a massive repair that has to be done to my husbands truck, yet again and while we have the money to fix the $4000 problem it irritates me that after all the hard work I did saving and all the hard work my husband did to earn it is now gone to fix a truck that will inevitably break down again in a few months. Anyway when I think about it how lucky am I that my husband has a great paying job that affords me to stay at home with Ty and to have the funds available to even fix it I am very grateful. How lucky am I have to have perfect health and for my child to have perfect health and for my husband to have perfect (even though he would debate that since there is always something different wrong with him) health? We have a precious little boy who is smart and cute and obedient and just down right sweet, the child will stop in the middle of playing just to come over to give me a hug and kiss and then goes right back to playing. No amount of money or Ford F350 transmission rebuilds will ever make me as happy as that kid does. So that's what I'm thinking about today. I love my family so much and just thinking about either of my boys, makes me smile and feel better. 

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