Thursday, January 12, 2012

Columbia, SC Children's Museum- Best Museum Ever!

Today me and Ty took a mini road trip to Columbia (about an hour away) to go to their children's museum. And oh my goodness what an awesome museum it was, blew Austin's out of the water. It was huge and there was so much to do and no one was there, we had such a good time. Now before I get into the explanation of the pictures and talk about all we did, I need to add a couple of updates on Ty and how smart he is.  First, 2 days ago we were at the park and I saw and heard the biggest woodpecker I have ever seen and while that's neither here nor there I bring it up because I told Ty to stop and listen and asked if her heard the pecking. He stopped and pointed to his ears. So this made me stop and think "wait a minute does my child know his 5 senses and which body part is responsible for it?" So I decided to ask "Ty what do you see with" and he said "eyes" and pointed to his eyes. I went through everything; hearing, smelling, seeing, touching and tasting and while he said "teeth" for tasting (at least he was in the general vicinity) and he got them all. I have never directly taught him about his 5 senses so he just picked all that up on his own. And second, this evening I learned that Ty knows shapes. He has one of those shape sorter bucket toys and I got it out to play with. As he picked up each shape he told me what it was. He officially knows and can say circle, star, square and cross. He also knows triangle but he can't say it just yet. 
Ok so now that I got those 2 updates out of the way (and yes I realize my child truly is a genius because I'm sure I don't need to remind you that he is only 19 months old) on to the children's museum

This was in the music room and it kind of reminded me of the big piano from the movie Big. You step on the letter of the octave and it plays on a speaker. Of course once Ty was done I stepped on and played "Do a Deer, a Female Deer" which is the only song I know how to play with just these notes. I rocked it out though.  

They had a full size real fire truck in the museum, Ty was so excited, he climbed right in and started driving. 

And in addition to the fire truck, they had this mini skid steer that Ty could actually drive himself. It doesn't get much better then this for Mr. Tyson.

Building with blocks

And holy crap they had a full size John Deere tractor set up on a farm. Ty ran straight to it past the cows past the chickens and climbed right up in the seat to drive it. 

I mean seriously is there a kid more cute then this. He's just so precious. And not only is he cute but he's got a great personality and he's so well behaved and listens well. How can any other kid I may have ever compare to Ty?

 This was a DNA station where you could enter your traits and make a little robot kid that looked like you and today was the first time I realized (because this little machine asked) that Ty's earlobes aren't connected to his head like mine are. He also has a straight thumb while both me and Patrick have curved ones. Sadly, he does still have my brown eyes and not Patrick's beautiful blue ones. 

For some reason this was one of Ty's favorite exhibits. He enjoyed playing dentist and pretend drilling this poor kids teeth. I told him if genetics really do play a roll in cavities that he should get used to the drills now because if he gets mama's teeth he will be getting cavities filled every 6 months. 

A big light board that told you what color to hit and you had to hit them all before time ran out. Ty did so well with his colors and once I pushed him out of the way, I got the high score of the day and got to  enter my name. 

This was a huge statue of a big kid in the middle of the museum. Ty was terrified of it. You could climb on him and slide and Ty wanted nothing to do with him. In fact as soon as Ty saw him, he started crying. I can't say I blame him though it was totally creepy. 

They had a "vet" area with animals in cages and an X-Ray machine. Here's the funny part though all Ty wanted to play with was the pretend animal food and water dishes that were in the cages. I believe this stems back to the fact that playing with our dogs' dishes is one of the few things we actually yell at him for. 

The grocery store. Ty saw the meat department and went straight to it. Then he said to me "oooh ham" I've never seen more of Patrick in him then I did at this moment. Nothing makes my husband happier or more excited then a good piece of meat. Seriously the only thing he could talk about before Christmas was the prime rib we were having. 

Ringing up his groceries in his Piggly Wiggly apron. Isn't he so cute?!?

This was cool. It was a green room with drums in it and when you started playing the drums a tv would come on and show you in a room full of African dancers. Here's Ty watching himself on TV and me taking a picture of it. 

More from the West Africa room. A boat that showed how they catch fish there. A boat is like the only vehicle in Ty's books that he hasn't been on yet so I need to find a friend or some kind of trip that involves a boat I think he will really enjoy going out on the water. 

So anyway thats it. This was such an awesome children's museum and if it were closer I would take him once a week but it is an hour away and there are a couple more things I want to do before we leave here like the zoo in Columbia and the aquarium in Atlanta. I love being able to travel and take Ty to all these cool new places. I know he won't remember it someday but when he's a moody teenager and accuses me of being the worst mom ever I can pull out these pictures like bam! Look at all these places I took you to you ungrateful child. (hehe I know Ty will never be that way he's way too sweet and way too much of a mams boy to ever turn against me)

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